Here are some community rulse that cover all our servers & social networks including Discord -

- Respect the topics for each channel & if we don't state a channel for such topics, please use #general
- No NSFW... this means no sexually explicit content or language.
- Spamming messages are not permitted.
- Don't make rude content using emotes such as racial slurs on announcements we made.
- If you start having a dominating conversation between 2 people, please take it to direct messages.
- Don't randomly @ a user without context or permission.
- No promoting unless using the correct rooms #looking-for-group #content-creators
- Please follow the Discords TOS

- Please keep all text English only since we are an English based community.
- Refrain from spamming in chat.
- Racisim will not be tolorated, so keep it out of voice & chat.
- Advertising it not allowed
- No complaining about getting raided/killed.
- Please report hackers to our discord, not publically in chat.


Please make sure to read & follow our server rules. It's a privilege to play PixieRust, not a right.

- Don't use any exploit, I won't go into detail but if you're doing something you shouldn't be doing, then stop.
- Don't cheat... really not going to explain why.
- No racist names or clan tags. It could result in your removal from PixieRust.
- We have no max team amount, just don't be a dick about it'.
- We have no rules on teaming, play how you like! Again, just don't zerg out.'